When I finished I turned her back, a fantastic view appeared before my eyes. I sat on her legs and started to feel her breasts. This was a unique experience, her mounds were firm and hot in touch. After a few minutes of this, I began to undress. My six-inch penis is harder than ever before. I get hold of her blue panties and one hand held her legs that tried to kick me. The other was slowly sliding them off. At that moment, she cried even louder and asked to leave her alone and not do it. I could not wait anymore, I caught her under knees. And I started to aim my dick towards her pussy. Inserting slowly I was already an inch inside, she has a tight tunnel. But not surprising for petite virgin, her pussy was massaging my penis. She was screaming to stop, that it will not fit, it will kill her. I hushed her and started slowly going deeper after a half inch I meet a barrier. Moving little back, I suddenly pushed in. The barrier was broken I was two and a half inch in. She screamed. ‘Oh god, that’s so hot, do it harder’ she demanded. Dave and Ali took it in turns to squeeze her full breasts and roughly fuck her with their fingers. They led her to the back of the garden and put her against one of the trees that the hammock was attached to. It was the perfect size. With her back against the tree trunk, her hands were bound behind her, not too tightly but enough that she couldn’t move too much. They bound each foot separately, so that she was forced to stand with her legs apart. Soon both Ali and Dave had removed their clothes, and stood looking at Dee for a moment. She felt to abandoned that she spat out the words’ come on you fuckers, do your worst!’ With that Ali roughly shoved four fingers inside her and fucked her as fast as he could. Dave was behind the tree and was kneading her breasts, tweaking each nipple hard. They seemed to be a half an inch long. In no time Dee came, with another squeal, and as she did so, juice squirted out of her. Ali, took his.
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